Thursday, December 10, 2009


First, in response to my commentors (commenters?) on last week's blog--THANKS!  I love hearing from all of you.  I learned that Beta Sigma Phi Sorority prepares "suitcases" packed with items for foster children, teachers are giving to "Pennies for Peace" (for building schools in rural Afghanistan) and Santa's Helper's health class has adpoted a family for Christmas giving.  God bless you all.  It's a joy to see the real spirit of Christmas alive and well.
I must also mention that Jack corrected me about the snow thing in Bethlehem.  He says it may very well have been snowing there that night.  If so, I hope the animals kept everyone nice and warm.  Thanks for the info, Jack.  I think it was Michaelangelo who said that he never stopped learning--me, too.

It's easy to get into the Christmas Spirit when it looks like this outside. 

Here is a suggestion for an unusual gift that is not very expensive but would be very welcomed.  Ask that special someone to give you a list of their very favorite songs by specific artists.  Then, download those songs to your music library and burn a disc with just those songs.  If you have trouble doing this, ask your favorite teenager to do it for you.  Most songs are no more than $.99 each.  Another special gift would be to download one song that says exactly how you feel about your "special someone" and ask them to play it when they are alone.  The cost of the gift will be the $.99  for each song, plus the audio disk.  To make it even more special, you can scan in a photo, sign it and place it where the disk cover goes.  I love this idea because I am a music freak and so many songs say things better than I ever could.

A gift I REALLY want is a car visor extender (you can see through) that pulls down to block the sun from blinding me while I'm driving at sundown!  I guess you can only find them in catalogs but I'm sure others would appreciate one.  It's certainly something they will use year-round.  One more thing, I'm hoping someone will give my husband a carrying case for his glasses that hooks onto his belt.  Then he will have no more excuses for not bringing them everywhere and he can stop using mine.

Don't these photos make you want to have a snowball fight?

What gift ideas do YOU have? 

Comments, please!

Next week:  Let's bake some cookies!

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